New Free Adult Classifieds Active! SINN & SKINN’s new Adult Classifieds is a free adult directory and forum board — helping you service all your adult needs.

Advice Peer Teen Advice Forum 92

TeenHelp is an international not-for-profit organisation who provide anonymous support and advice to anybody who needs it. We help users of …

My son is 12 (will be 13 in January) He is on most counts doing extremely well. He gets mostly As, and his teachers through out the years have been very positive about him.

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Slashdot (sometimes abbreviated as /.) is a social news website that originally billed itself as “News for Nerds. Stuff that Matters”. It features news stories on science, technology, and politics that are submitted and evaluated by site users and editors.

Lessons You Won’t Learn In college. Here are 10 skills that will clarify your visions and bring you closer to your life goals.

A list of thousands of mentor programs with descriptions of how they work and who to contact

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Advice Peer Teen Advice Forum 33

By Holly V. Kapherr. If adults use alcohol before age 15, their risk for alcohol dependence or is six times greater than if they started at 21, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Advice Peer Teen Advice Forum 116

Read our advice about teenage and the factors that can cause a teen to become threatening in the home and the signs that things are going too far

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Advice Peer Teen Advice Forum 49

Advice on truancy, including information on the law and tips on how to support your back into college

Common problems Negative peer pressure occurs when a ‘s or teen’s friends or other people their age try to convince them to do something that is either harmful to their body or is against the law.

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Advice Peer Teen Advice Forum 116