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A dervish or darvesh (from Persian: درویش ‎, Darvīsh) is someone guiding a Sufi Muslim ascetic down a path or “tariqah”, known for their extreme poverty and austerity.A tiny percentage of dervishes were Jews. Their focus is on the universal values of love and service, deserting the illusions of ego to reach God.In most Sufi orders, a dervish is …

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Alians Sex 95 is not in any way responsible for the content of the pages to which it links. We encourage you to if ever find a link in question pertaining to or copyrighted content to contact us and it will be reviewed …

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Bektashi Order or Shī‘ah Imāmī Alevī-Bektāshī Ṭarīqah (Albanian: Tarikati Bektashi; Turkish: Bektaşi Tarîkatı) is a dervish order named after the 13th century Alevi Wali (saint) Haji Bektash Veli from Khorasan, but founded by Balım Sultan. The order, whose headquarters is in Tirana, Albania, is mainly found throughout Anatolia and the …

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Disclaimer: We have zero tolerance policy against any pornography. All links, videos and images are provided by 3rd parties. We …

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