Dec 07, 2017 · A fact sheet provides an overview of the situation in the nations where same-sex marriage is legal nationwide as well as countries that allow it in certain

The battle over same-sex marriage has been about more than whether to allow gays and lesbians to wed. In every state where same-sex marriage is legal – including Illinois, which today became the 16th state to allow gays and lesbians to marry – politicians and others have also debated how to best

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Jun 26, 2015 · In a landmark opinion, a divided Supreme Court on Friday ruled that same-sex couples can marry nationwide, establishing a new civil right and handing gay rights advocates a historic victory.

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Jun 25, 2014 · (CNN)– The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) voted Thursday to allow pastors to marry same-sex couples in states where it is legal. The church also voted, by an overwhelming majority, to change the language about marriage in the church constitution to “two persons” from a “man and a woman,” according to

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The Presbyterian Church (USA) officially recognized gay marriage this week.

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Gay clergy and same-sex marriage may be allowed at United Methodist Churches thanks to a proposal drafted by the Connectional Table, a respected international body of clergy members and lay people in the church. On Tuesday, the committee affirmed the proposal to remove church legislation that

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Same-sex marriage has been legally recognized in the U.S state of Massachusetts since May 17, 2004, as a result of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) ruling in Goodridge v.

Should gay marriage be legal? On June 26, 2015, the US Supreme Court ruled that gay marriage is a right protected by the US Constitution in all 50 states.

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A same-sex marriage is a marriage of a same-sex couple.The legal status of same-sex marriage has changed in recent years in numerous jurisdictions around the world. The current trends and consensus of political authorities and religions throughout the world are summarized in this article.

The Supreme Court ruling earlier this year legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide has continued to raise questions about how the decision will affect religious groups – especially those that remain opposed to allowing gay and lesbian couples to wed. The court’s ruling makes clear that clergy