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We don’t have a fever thermometer in our house. It’s not necessary. Instead we measure the weirdness-level in our daily activities. So when someone does something exceptionally weird, we know he/she has got a fever (we have a separate scale for Elsa, since she does exceptionally weird stuff

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Mar 30, 2018 · In the realm of high-end wine collecting, storage is crucial. Owners want to know their wine is safe, and they want convenient access.

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Oct 24, 2008 · The Atomic Cannon, at 280 mm, was the largest nuclear capable mobile artillery piece manufactured by the United States. On May 25, 1953, a 280 mm cannon fire

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The term “weather bomb” has been making the rounds lately, appearing on the front page of newspapers and the top of television news cycles. Despite this phrase only recently entering household conversation, the meteorological definition of the “bomb” has been around for decades. John R

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Bomb: Bomb, a container carrying an explosive charge that is fused to detonate under certain conditions (as upon impact) and that is either dropped (as from an airplane) or set into position at a given point.

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11 Keto Fat Bomb Recipes You Need Right Now Get the fat you need to lose the fat you don’t

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Try using a different size of zipper-lock plastic bag. What do you think might happen? Do you think you’ll need to use more baking soda, …

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. This means you’re free to copy and share these …

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Looking for an Online Bomb Timer? Countdown with a bomb. Why Not?. 🙂

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Blast away your cares with these pampering experiences