Nov 18, 2015 · Couples who constantly ” Netflix and chill ” aren’t necessarily happier. In fact, having sex once a week is just about perfect. That’s the takeaway from a new study, based on surveys

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For spouses or partners who have been together for many years, their sex lives have a lot to do with how they interact outside of the bedroom. A new study finds that couples’ levels of responsiveness—how attentive they are toward each other and how special they make each other feel—is directly

This page is the portal for the Same-Sex Couples website. It contains a summary of SSA’s benefits and services as well as other activities that SSA does in support of same-sex couples.

How Mojo Upgrade Works. Mojo Upgrade is an interactive sex questionnaire for couples.We present a list of sexual fantasies to both partners separately and have them indicate their level of interest.

At some point in life, many couples wonder and ask themselves, “What is the average amount of sex that other couples are having?” And though the answer is not perfectly clear, sex therapists have said many things about this very topic.

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How often do the happiest couples have sex? (It’s less than you think) Once a week is “just right” for sexual happiness, according to a study. But there’s no magic formula.

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Low libido can be caused by medications, health conditions, stress, depression, and more. Boost your sex drive by identifying one of these 19 problems

Self Respect. Most of us have negative issues about ourselves, be it body issues, income issues, social issues, etc. We all have them and we all have to deal with them, but make sure that those issues don’t affect your self respect, especially if you’re planning on having a threesome with your partner.

According to a recent study almost ten per cent of married couples aged between 36-55 never have sex. Tracey Cox says that there is a direct link between lack of sexual activity and divorce.

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Life isn’t perfect, and neither is sex. “Couples who have a lot of sex don’t look for the perfect situation, like being on vacation when your s are not with you.

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