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ULTRASOUND OF THE RENAL ARTERIES – NORMAL RENAL ARTERIES. There are 2 techniques, direct method and indirect method, used to investigate renal arterial supply.Both ideally are used in conjuction with each other, however, in circumstances where the renal artery is not seen in its entirety then the indirect approach alone can …

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Neoplasms of gallbladder and biliary epithelium are relatively rare and their diagnosis can be challenging. In addition, recently, gallbladder and biliary lesions have been clinically recognized more frequently, likely because of the advances in diagnostic imaging and the widespread use of laparoscopic cholecystectomy, which exposes …

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Having celebrated over 100 years in Radiology, Radiology Associates of Richmond intends to be a part of the future. With continuing developments in computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and new interventional techniques, RAR continues to expand its staff with physicians qualified to use these new developments for the …

Radiology Associates of Ridgewood, P.A. (RAR) is a NJ radiology center committed to providing the highest quality diagnostic imaging services, while ensuring excellent and courteous customer service and confidentiality to our patients and colleagues.

Renal artery stenosis (RAS) refers to a narrowing of a renal artery. When the process occurs slowly, it leads to secondary hypertension. Acute renal artery stenosis does not lead to hypersecretion of renin.

Radiology Associates of Ridgewood (RAR) is an ACR Certified imaging center in Bergen County, New Jersey providing a full range of outpatient imaging services including MRI, Low Dose CT, Radiology (X-ray), Fluoroscopy, Digital Mammography with computer Aided Detection and 3D Imaging, Stereotactic, Ultrasound and MRI Guided Breast …

Natasha Rekhtman (2010) Neuroendocrine Tumors of the Lung: An Update.Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine: November 2010, Vol. 134, No. 11, pp. 1628-1638.

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This is a basic article for medical students and other non-radiologists Imaging in general surgery is vital to ensure timely and accurate diagnosis for patients.

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