The facial nerve is one of the key cranial nerves with a complex and broad range of functions. Although at first glance it is the motor nerve of facial expression which begins as a trunk and emerges from the parotid gland as five branches (see f

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Trauma & Nerve Damage to Teeth The proper evaluation can make all the difference!

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While the anatomy and degree of injury associated with facial trauma is complex, the prehospital management is straightforward.

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Plan of the facial and intermediate nerves and their communication with other nerves. (“Nucleus of Facial N.” labeled at upper left.)

Introduction. Bilateral facial nerve palsy (FNP) is a rare condition, representing less than 2% of all cases of FNP. Majority of these patients have underlying medical conditions, ranging from neurologic, infectious, neoplastic, traumatic, or metabolic disorders.

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Asymmetry of facial expression is common with unilateral lesions of the facial nucleus or nerve in most species. Bilateral facial paralysis may be more difficult to recognize, but affected s drool and have a dull facial expression. Complete facial paralysis is an inability to move the eyelids

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Atlanta Dental Nerve Injury Attorney. There is no such thing as a dental nerve injury. Dental nerve injuries are always an upsetting event for those unfortunate enough to experience them.

Facial nerve damage would typically mean any kind of impairment to the functioning of this nerve, no matter what the causes. Treatment of facial nerve …

Facial Nerve Disorders – Paralysis and Bell’s Palsy. Face injuries and disorders can cause pain and affect how you look. In severe cases, they can affect sight, speech, breathing and your ability to swallow.

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Facial nerve paralysis is a common problem that involves the paralysis of any structures innervated by the facial nerve.The pathway of the facial nerve is long and relatively convoluted, and so there are a number of causes that may result in facial nerve paralysis.