The following article was originally published on Roosh V.. I hope I have debunked the fantasy that a man can fly into any foreign country and easily find his dream teen within a short amount of time.

The first international organization which the Israeli government joined was the International Wheat Council, established as part of Point Four Program in early 1949. Since 11 May 1949, the State of Israel has been a member of the United Nations.

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My previous article talked about 10 Reasons Why Foreign Women Are Superior To American Women.I thought we would perhaps like to enlarge on that and explain more about why masculine Western men like feminine foreign women.

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A Guy June 2 . If the white guys are dating Asian women, they’re not racist. But as for the white women looking down on Asian men, that is likely just hypergamy.

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Is AI Sexist? In the not-so-distant future, artificial intelligence will be smarter than humans. But as the technology develops, absorbing cultural norms from its creators and the internet, it will also be more racist, sexist, and unfriendly to women.

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Couples of Chinese men and Western women are a rarity. Why is that? Jocelyn, an American who has a Chinese husband, explores the reasons.

Ukrainian women are some of the most beautiful and feminine teens of the world. Learn the insider secrets to meet Ukrainian teens and enjoy them.

Now is not the time to slash U.S. foreign aid, more than 120 retired generals and admirals said Monday in a letter to lawmakers, while citing past comments from Defense Secretary Jim Mattis to buttress their case.

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Exclusive The End of Foreign Aid As We Know It Trump budget would gut development assistance and fold USAID into State.

As yesterday’s defenders of freedom, we want to welcome today’s military service members into our ranks to become part of our elite group. Our common bond is the battlefield, whether it is service in the Persian Gulf, Korea, Kosovo, the war on terrorism or peace-keeping expeditionary campaigns.

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