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If you go to any of the “gay villages” of London, Manchester or Edinburgh on a Saturday night, you will, as you would expect, see lots of homosexuals. In London, there is the traditional trolling up and down Old Compton Street, going from Manto’s to Rupert Street to the Yard to the Village to Escape and, finally, to Heaven, saying witheringly

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NBA Spurs’ Rudy Gay relishes return to postseason ‘Keep pushing. Nobody can push you like you can push yourself.’

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An Engaged Lena Waithe Still Has To Keep Reminding Her Family She’s Really Gay: “It’s Not A Phase”

A new study in a major journal has found a weak association between several genes and sexual orientation. However, that doesn’t mean that science has identified a “gay gene” or anything like it—and some scientists have cautioned against overinterpreting the findings. Regions on two

Sep 11, 2012 · WND EXCLUSIVE Claim: Obama hid ‘gay life’ to become president Chicago homosexual community shocked he could keep it …

Mar 29, 2018 · Nothing will change if we keep consuming problematic pop culture without demanding anything better.

Gay Couple and Their Adorable Son Keep Starring in Ads Together – Watch Their Latest for Campbell’s Soup

Russian President Vladimir Putin has suggested his mastery of judo would come in handy if a gay man made a move on him in the shower, while defending his government’s declining record on LGBT rights. Putin spoke to U.S. filmmaker Oliver Stone, whose preview of a two-part interview series with the

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The NFL still hasn’t fielded an openly gay player during a regular-season game. And according to a former team executive, that day may not be coming anytime soon based upon what happened with Michael Sam. With a 2014 National Health Interview Survey identifying 1.6 percent of Americans as either

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