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SI posted the new clip on Wednesday showing more of Ashley’s on location twerk-off with a photo shoot crew member. Interestingly, the video dropped AFTER Toccara, the “Queen of Thickness,” called out AG’s twerk skills. She straight-up laughed, telling us Ashley was lacking some major pop. In

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The source of our word pioneer is ultimately Old French peonier or pionier, a derivative of peon, “foot soldier.”The word peonier also originally meant “foot soldier,” but later appeared in the sense “digger” or “excavator,” and by the 1300s referred to a soldier who went ahead of the main army and prepared forts for the men who would follow.

Voina (Russian: Война, IPA: ( listen), lit. War) is a Russian street-art group known for their provocative and politically charged works of performance art.The group has had more than sixty members, including former and current students of the Rodchenko Moscow college of Photography, Moscow State University, and University of Tartu.However, the …

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