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My Sewing Room. ears and years of sewing in the dining room or at the kitchen table, getting everything out, then having to put it all away (even when the project wasn’t finished yet) — never having a sewing room of my own, finally changed last fall when Joe and I went to the Brimfield Flea Market and found the perfect table for the space I

November 24, 2013. I’ve been obsessing over the movie ‘Blue is the Warmest Color’ so I decided to blog about the color blue. I’ve mentioned a few times that the Skyline Series was my favorite series and it was the series that came out out when I started to pay attention to Starbucks city mugs and wanted to collect them.

My Sewing Room. ears and years of sewing in the dining room or at the kitchen table, getting everything out, then having to put it all away (even when the project wasn’t finished yet) — never having a sewing room of my own, finally changed last fall when Joe and I went to the Brimfield Flea Market and found the perfect table for the space I

November 24, 2013. I’ve been obsessing over the movie ‘Blue is the Warmest Color’ so I decided to blog about the color blue. I’ve mentioned a few times that the Skyline Series was my favorite series and it was the series that came out out when I started to pay attention to Starbucks city mugs and wanted to collect them.

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November 24, 2013. I’ve been obsessing over the movie ‘Blue is the Warmest Color’ so I decided to blog about the color blue. I’ve mentioned a few times that the Skyline Series was my favorite series and it was the series that came out out when I started to pay attention to Starbucks city mugs and wanted to collect them.

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Monoco Pictures Movie Theater 73

November 24, 2013. I’ve been obsessing over the movie ‘Blue is the Warmest Color’ so I decided to blog about the color blue. I’ve mentioned a few times that the Skyline Series was my favorite series and it was the series that came out out when I started to pay attention to Starbucks city mugs and wanted to collect them.

My Sewing Room. ears and years of sewing in the dining room or at the kitchen table, getting everything out, then having to put it all away (even when the project wasn’t finished yet) — never having a sewing room of my own, finally changed last fall when Joe and I went to the Brimfield Flea Market and found the perfect table for the space I

Monoco Pictures Movie Theater 72

Grace Patricia Kelly (November 12, 1929 – September 14, 1982) was an American film actress who became Princess of Monaco after marrying Prince Rainier III, in April 1956.

Grace Patricia Kelly (November 12, 1929 – September 14, 1982) was an American film actress who became Princess of Monaco after marrying Prince Rainier III, in April 1956.

Monoco Pictures Movie Theater 119

Grace Patricia Kelly (November 12, 1929 – September 14, 1982) was an American film actress who became Princess of Monaco after marrying Prince Rainier III, in April 1956.

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