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Photos of Eva Green one of the hottest teens in movies and TV. Eva Green is a French actress and model best known for her role as Vesper Lynd in Casino Ro

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For the first time since giving birth to the two ren that she had with self proclaimed genius Kanye West, reality star Kim Kardashian stripped down to her bare essentials in a nude bathroom selfie where Mrs. West is sporting platinum blonde hair. The most famous member of the Kardashian clan

A U.S. marshal shot and killed a defendant on Monday in a new federal courthouse after the man rushed the witness stand with a pen at his trial in Salt Lake City, authorities said. Defendant Siale Angilau, who reportedly belonged to Tongan Crip gang, was hospitalized with at least one chest wound

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Snoop g Releases 15th Studio Album NEVA LEFT, a journey through his extensive musical career over the years

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The Dougie (/ ˈ d ʌ ɡ i / ( listen) DUG-ee) is a hip-hop dance generally performed by moving one’s body in a shimmy style and passing a hand …

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Hawley Harvey Crippen (September 11, 1862 – November 23, 1910), usually known as Dr. Crippen, was an American homeopath, ear and eye specialist and medicine dispenser.He was hanged in Pentonville Prison in London for the murder of his wife Cora Henrietta Crippen, and was the first suspect to be captured with the aid of wireless …

Tami Roman Revokes Kanye West’s Black Card For Letting Kim Kardashian Post Nude Pics [Video]

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