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Michael Pitt Full Frontal. This Michael Pitt full frontal nude scene is from the movie, ‘The Dreamers’, which we will be adding to our Netflix queue immediately. Michael has a new show called ‘Boardwalk Empire’ that will be starting in the fall on HBO. It looks like it might be the next big show.

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Desmond Harrington Nude Scene. It’s the Desmond Harrington Nude Scene. Desmond Harrington did this nude scene on ‘Dexter’ and showed us his great ass.

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There’s dozens more nude pictures and videos of Tom Hardy in the full archive. If you’re not a member of the world’s best all-male nude celebrity site, …

While we are still waiting for the incredibly beautiful “Gossip teen” star Chace Crawford to finally get some guts and go naked, these skin shots are still well worth drooling over. This is one man who was clearly and unequivocally born to be nude.

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