Overview Today American Teens 92

24% of teens go online “almost constantly,” facilitated by the widespread availability of smartphones. Aided by the convenience and constant access provided by mobile devices, especially smartphones, 92% of teens report going online daily — including 24% who say they go online “almost constantly,” according to a new study from Pew Research Center.

Overview of responses. In a survey about the future of the internet, technology experts and stakeholders were fairly evenly split as to whether the er generation’s always-on connection to people and information will turn out to …

Overview Today American Teens 114

Overview Today American Teens 38

Obesity Rates & Trends Overview Introduction. Obesity is one of the biggest health concerns in communities across the country, with about 70 percent of county officials ranking it as a leading problem where they live.

The best Catholic Bible for teens is now even better! The Catholic Youth Bible is completely refreshed for a new generation. Designed for people to enter in, be nourished…and be transformed. With a new vibrant full-color design, room for reflection personalization throughout, this newly reimagined Catholic Youth Bible will engage the youth of today …

Overview Today American Teens 68

The American Academy of Pediatrics calls cyberbullying the “most common online risk for all teens.” Parents need to know the facts about cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is deliberately using digital media to communicate false, embarrassing, or hostile information about or to another person.

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Overview Today American Teens 111

Since the survey’s inception 17 years ago, Piper Jaffray has surveyed approximately 145,000 teens and collected more than 37 million data points on teen spending in fashion, beauty and personal care, digital media, food, gaming and entertainment. The Taking Stock With Teens survey is a semi

Sleep health information from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Symptoms and treatments for insomnia, sleep apnea and sleep disorders. Find a …

This fact sheet provides data about HIV in the United States.

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, CRPS, formerly known as RSD Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, is a progressive disease of the Autonomic Nervous System, and more specifically, the Sympathetic Nervous System.

The Guttmacher Institute is a primary source for research and policy analysis on abortion in the United States.

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Overview Today American Teens 34