The question of how such an important figure in 20th century history could be seen as a mere assistant is a central theme of the documentary Dolores, which has its PBS premiere on Tuesday night.

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An undercover journey deep into the world of sex trafficking, following one man determined to rescue his wife — napped and sold into the global sex trade.

As central Indiana’s source for public broadcasting, WFYI provides a range of TV programming spanning local original and PBS productions. Channels …

Larry David: Beyond learning about Cousin Bernie, David was shocked to learn that he even had any ancestors in the South.His great grandman Harry Bernstein owned slaves.

Slavery was an accepted way of life in early colonial America. Without the work of slaves and indentured servants, the growing economy of the colonies would have been limited.

Editor’s Note: Science-Metrix a Montreal-based company reports that Iran is showing fastest worldwide growth in science.For example, Iran …

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American ISIS wife whose son starred in sick propaganda video tells how her husband kept two sex slaves in their home after they left Indiana for Syria

A freedman or freedwoman is a former slave who has been released from slavery, usually by legal means.Historically, slaves were freed either by manumission (granted freedom by their owner) or emancipation (granted freedom as part of a larger group).

Mexico is a large source, transit, and destination country for persons trafficked for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation and forced labor.

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Segregation. age; racial; religious; sex; Age of candidacy; Blood purity; Blood quantum; Crime of apartheid; Disabilities. Jewish; Catholic; Ethnocracy; Gender pay gap