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These are the shocking scenes that have led some people to accuse the Occupy Wall Street protesters living rough in New York’s financial district of creating unsanitary and filthy conditions. Exclusive pictures obtained by Mail Online show one demonstrator relieving himself on a police car

The virtual museum of the American Police Car. Welcome to copcar dot com, the largest police car photographic museum in the world.

Handcuffed woman escapes in police car Jump to media player When Texas officers put her in the patrol car they had no idea a 100-mph chase was about to begin.

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Police in East Liverpool, Ohio, shared this image showing Rhonda Pasek and James Acord passed out in their car with the woman’s son in the backseat after a suspected heroin overdose.

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The Colorado Springs Police Department needs your help tracking down a stolen car.

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Update: Police have identified 26-year-old Juvaunne Gordon of the 500 block of Thorncliff Drive in Newport News as the driver in the fatal accident Friday on Jefferson Avenue, according to Newport News Police spokesman Brandon Maynard. A person was killed in a single vehicle accident in the 12600

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Mar 11, 2013 · The Queen is dead and police departments across the nation have spent the last year searching for a worthy replacement for the old teen. My department has been a Ford department for decades.

Car Accidents.com Leading web site. Find Auto Accident Attorneys and Lawyers. See Thousands of Auto Crash, crashes Pictures.

Careers at Toronto Police Service. The Toronto Police Service has been widely recognized as a leader in policing and is committed to providing excellence, innovation and quality leadership to the citizens of Toronto.

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