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Cake shop owner’s refusal to bake cake for engaged Colo. couple sparks protest, business from customers supporting stance

A historic Baptist church in the nation’s capital has called a legally married lesbian couple as co-pastors. Calvary Baptist Church in Washington announced Jan. 9 the hiring of Sally Sarratt and Maria Swearingen as the congregation’s new senior ministers. The couple, married the weekend after

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A newly wedded couple is believed to be the first active-duty same-sex pair to be married at West Point,

How to Address an Same-Sex Couple? How to I address a letter to a gay couple? — C.V.K. How do I address the envelope to two women who are married to each other? One has taken on her partner’s l

Military leaders at Fort Bragg are investigating a discrimination claim after a same-sex couple wasn’t allowed to attend a marriage retreat.

As same-sex couples rushed to registry offices this weekend to file their intention to marry, lawyers in Perth were lodging documents of a different kind, on behalf of a woman set to become the first in Australia to file for a same-sex divorce.

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Jan 22, 2018 · Washington (CNN)A married same-sex couple living in London is suing the State Department over the determination that only one of their two sons is recognized as a US citizen. According to a complaint filed in US District Court, US citizen Allison Blixt and her Italian national spouse, Stefania

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A wedding cake is an ‘artistic expression’ that a baker may deny to a same-sex couple, Calif. judge rules

Dec 06, 2017 · Julian P. Boom and Fleur Pierets, a lesbian couple, plan to get married in every country that recognizes same-sex marriage. They’ve been married in four countries already and plan to get married in 20 more.

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Same-sex couple stonewalled day before they were to bring home adoptive teen. On the way home from the hospital, they received a call from CPS.

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