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“I would like to note that this escalation did not begin in Syria at all. Its roots originate in the British city of Salisbury. “And the gasoline in this fire of Russian-American confrontation is being poured by one British ‘gentleman’ with a disheveled hairdo and a woman who dreams of being the ‘Iron Lady’ Margaret Thatcher,” she said

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Apr 16, 2018 · Trump’s Annoyed About Russian and Chinese Currencies. Should He Be? The president’s comment doesn’t align with the realities of global currency markets.

Should Note That In Russian 102

Apr 11, 2018 · The Russian woman at the center of a spy swap with the United States involving poisoned agent Sergei Skripal has said that Russia should tor the U.K.’s brand new aircraft carriers.

Editor’s Note: Please see previous works by Robert Farley including Will the F-35 Dominate the Skies?, Five Best Bombers of All Time, Top Five Fighter Aircraft of All Time, Five Worst Fighter Aircraft of All Time, the Five Best Submarines of All Time, Five Revolutionary American Weapons of War

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Moscow’s military machine is certainly evolving at a time of tensions with the West. Washington might want to make note of these five lethal weapon systems.

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US take note: Chinese, Russian militaries are closer than you think, China’s defence minister says

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More information about Russia is available on the Russia Page and from other Department of State publications and other sources listed at the end of this fact sheet.. U.S.-RUSSIA RELATIONS

Learn the Russian language with us! Lesson 3 includes basic Russian phrases and important words such as please and thank-you. These simple Russian phrases will be among some of the first Russian words you will need for your first holiday in Russia.

The Pentagon says one takeaway from last weekend’s missile strike in Syria is that Russian-made air defenses operated by Syrian crews were completely useless. And Turkey, which plans to buy the system from Russia, should take note.