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The National Mental Health Association (NMHA) http://www1.nmha.org/ren/prevent/stats.cfm (2007) • Suicide is the third leading cause of death for 15 – 24 s (approx 5,000 people) and the sixth leading cause of death for five – 15 s.

Some eye opening information on teen suicide statistics, suicide prevention, and warning signs to help avoid teenage and cent suicide attempts. Teen

Teen pregnancy statistic, facts, and info on teenage pregnancy. Get info on teen pregnancy stats. Help for troubled teens that are pregnant and need teen help.

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Oregon Health Authority Helping people and communities achieve optimum physical, mental and social well-being

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Home page for N.C. State Center for Health Statistics

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emotional-problems~American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) explains teen suicide statistics.

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Teen Depression Statistics – facts, signs, and stats on teenage depression for parent with a depressed teen, youth, or . Mental health data & …

The impact is more than in statistics and factoids, it’s in feelings and emotions. It’s in our families, with our friends and in our communities.

Mental health affects everyone, including teenagers. Seek help if you (or your teenager) exhibit the following signs

Teenage depression is a serious mental illness that affects millions of teenagers in the United States each year. Unfortunately only a small portions of teens

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