The Curator. Clyde Doepner is the only official full-time historian in Major League Baseball. WATCH THE VIDEO

Cooperstown Collection vintage American Needle baseball caps. We have been an online business since 1995 selling baseball merchandise in a nostalgic atmosphere.

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Vintage Baseball Books. 1919 “Commy”.G.W. Axelson. The Reilly & Lee Co. Publishers. 320 page hardcover book. Incredible near mint condition.

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This is a moderated forum for the discussion of WWII and older baseball cards.

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Vintage Baseball Memorabilia. Listed chronologically. 1866 Harper’s Weekly Woodcut Engraving Print of the Philadelphia Athletics and Brooklyn Atlantics.

The Fab 50 Senior Baseball League is a highly-competitive league for older s who still love to play baseball, weekends and wood bats on the field of dreams at Trinity International University in Bannockburn/Deerfield.

The Colorado Vintage Base Ball Association (CVBBA) is a non-profit organization founded in 1993 dedicated to the preservation of the history of 19th century base ball in Colorado, and the education of the public through demonstrations, workshops, lectures and living history performances in the form of matches.

Bay Area Vintage Base Ball is a registered non-profit that promotes the history of base ball by playing games with old time equipment and uniforms, as well as using the rules of the 1886 version of base ball.

Week 1 Report. Mountain City beats Cumberlanders 13-1. Interested in joining a team for the 2018 season? Copyright © 2018 Tennessee Association of Vintage Base Ball

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If you are interested in playing, you can join an existing team or form your own club. We are always looking for new players and league expansion.

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